Saturday, December 31, 2011

New years eve

As we say farewell to the year 2011, I stand here lost and unsure as to where I go from here. In 2011 I learned so many things and I've made a plethora of mistakes but in the midst of all of these happenings, I found myself thinking of only a handful of things. This was the first year of my life where I lived without rules, the first year where religion and subjective traditions were no longer accountable for my behavior. So before I get into that, the few things I thought about constantly this year were school, my ex girlfriend, weed and science. And as for why I felt liberated living through this year, I just didn't have to answer to anyone and it felt good, I did what ever I wanted whenever I wanted. The drugs I've tried, the scenarios of grandeur I've lived through some I wish I hadn't and some that I wish hadn't ended. Life indeed is something to marvel at. It truly molds to whatever you feel it needs to be for any particular situation. I have a lot I'd love to say right now because I haven't put up a blog post in a while but I should leave you with any tidbit of information. It will be this; this reality that live in as humans is essentially an outward projection of all of the thoughts and ideas that we harvest inside ourselves so it is up to us to realize that we have become a very materialistic society and accumulations of these behaviors can potentially cause our civilization to collapse. This year has been crazy, and really stressful at that so lets make this new year the year of fun adventure and unconditional love towards everyone. Be well folks, it's a hard world out there lets not make it harder for ourselves. Cheers and happy new year.

- Posted by Kadeem J Daley-Lewis using BlogPress for iPhone 4

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What it means to blog

Expression our voice is pivotal to sparking change, my role as a part time blogger is definitely to enlighten the ignorant folk of the world in a simplified scientific manner. But I tend to find that I'm never driven enough to keep up with my blog, although I love it so much. As I continue to mature and continue to cater to my innate curiosity as a young scientist. This is a short note alluding to me blogging more, so definitely expect some more posts from me :)

- Posted by Kadeem J Daley-Lewis using BlogPress for iPhone 4