I just wanted to take a moment to describe my position as the creator and main writer for this blog. I've gone through a lot of transitions in my life trying to grasp on to something that I thought was me, something that I felt would allow me to use all of my talents and also challenge me mentally and physically. Essentially what I mean is, I wondered what I'd do to be successful in life. Initially my idea was to become a doctor but as I dived into the material, I found it far less appealing than I had previously thought. So for a while I was distraught, I remember I had always pondered about archaeology but I never thought of it as a career choice because it wasn't as profitable as something in the medical or engineering field. These were things I was told by people around including my mentor and various educators I knew. I allowed my life to be driven by the desires of others and the lust for money. I've grown to state now where material possessions are no longer the forefront of my enjoyment. I no longer hold consumerism as my means of living and being happy. I care more now about my connection with the universe and understanding the natural mechanics around me so I can live harmoniously with it. I have Dmt (dimethyltryptamine) to thank for that, it allowed me to go into the deepest expanses of myself (I will describe my experiences on dmt in a later post) .
I started hiking a lot as a consequence of teachings I was putting into practice and realized that when I was alone in the forest, I felt a unique sense of belonging like being out there was where I was truly tested as a human being. All the while, I was continually immersed in esoteric ancient teachings and philosophies, helping to hone me spritually. So now it's the end of summer I'm ready to live and flourish without worrying about what other people think I should be doing. I'm moving at my own pace and it feels really good. Anthropology is a subject I feel encapsulates the things I am most interested in, like ancient history, evolution and human culture. I want to eventually immerse myself completely in the field and become one of the greatest anthropologists that ever lived. The Leakey family will be among the greats I will be immortalized with, contrasting the sheer vision I have for contributing to the field.