Friday, June 15, 2012

Video Footage from Monday night's R.I.S.E. Poetry event

Some performances from Monday night, ENJOY!!

The other videos will be up by the end of the day, experiencing some technical difficulties with the uploading right now.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A change in culture is happening and it's starting with R.I.S.E Poetry

Hey everyone, R.I.S.E Poetry is skyrocketing now. The skill is unimaginable in contrast to the area that these young individuals are uprising from. I believe the true unique trait of R.I.S.E lies within the originality and the pureness that each person carries. This is truly something special and I hope you're all with me when I say-- "We're changing the world"

Photo Cred: Matthew Saunders

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A mistranslation

I've recently come across something in my readings that I feel is dire to everyone out there to know. Here's passage from Richard Dawkins' "The selfish gene"

I suppose the scholars of the Septuagint could at least be said to have started something big when they mistranslated the Hebrew word for ‘young woman’ into the Greek word for ‘virgin’, coming up with the prophecy: ‘Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son…
